Join us as we embark on our last full year of adventure in Japan through a new picture each day.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hina Matsuri Celebration

(This photo is from Thursday, March 3rd)

Miriam's preschool class celebrated Hina Matsuri today.  Hina Matsuri, or "Girls' Day", is a Japanese holiday to celebrate and pray for health and success for girls.  The class all learned a song for the celebration, but when the Kotos (the stringed instruments in the photo) started playing, most of the kids became too distracted to remember to sing.  :)

As a bonus, here is Miriam singing the "Hina Matsuri" song at home

Enoshima Aquarium

(This photo is from Wednesday, March 2nd)

Today we headed to Enoshima Aquarium with a pretty big group of friends.  It was fun to mix up the "friend groups" a bit, and it was fun to hang out with everyone.  The aquarium is one of our favorite places to visit for a nice, leisurely morning+lunch outing - it's not too big and not too small, and not too far to drive (about 40 minutes or so).  My favorite part of the aquarium is the jellyfish room - they are such eerily beautiful creatures, as long as they're in behind glass.  :)